Pre School Town Campus

Preschool Phi­los­o­phy : We aim to pro­vide a wel­com­ing, safe and nur­tur­ing envi­ron­ment. We believe each per­son and their fam­i­lies’ cul­ture, beliefs, and abil­i­ties should be val­ued and reflect­ed in our preschool envi­ron­ment. We strive to pro­vide a famil­iar envi­ron­ment that fos­ters the child’s devel­op­ment across all devel­op­men­tal domains and is reflec­tive of each individual’s inter­ests and abilities.

The Town Preschool Cam­pus is open 5 days a week and oper­ates 2 Preschool groups. The Preschool Par­rots come on every Mon­day and Tues­day and alter­nate Wednes­days. The Preschool Frogs come on alter­nate Wednes­days, then every Thurs­day and Friday.

Contact the front office for more information.

Pre School Tindal Campus

Tin­dal Preschool Phi­los­o­phy : At Tin­dal Preschool we believe that chil­dren have the right to be their own per­son and pro­vide numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties through play based activ­i­ties for them to be heard and express themselves.

Tin­dal Cam­pus oper­ates  Mon­day and Tues­day 7:45am — 3:15pm

Please Contact Emily Byrne for more information on 0427 331 646  Monday – Wednesday, or the front office Thursday and Friday

Northern Territory Music School

The North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Music School is a unique NT Gov­ern­ment School with more than 1150 stu­dents in years 5 to 12 enrolled in reg­u­lar week­ly music and per­form­ing arts cur­ricu­lum pro­grams, and many hun­dreds more involved in our annu­al cal­en­dar of com­bined schools per­form­ing arts events and activ­i­ties through­out the Ter­ri­to­ry.

The NT Music School oper­ates across the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry from mul­ti­ple cam­pus­es and offices, and leads pro­grams in sup­port of NT Gov­ern­ment schools at all stages of learn­ing. Vis­it the NTMS web­site and com­plete an online appli­ca­tion form for your child.

Northern Territory Music School | Everyone can play! (


School Bus Travel

Please be advised Ter­ri­to­ry Tran­sit (TT) is the new­ly point­ed school bus oper­a­tor for Kather­ine Region.

The Kather­ine school bus timeta­bles and maps has now been updat­ed on the Depart­ment of Infra­struc­ture, Plan­ning and Logis­tics website.

Please have a chat with your child/ren about safe­ty and rules on the bus and go through the Code of Con­duct for School Bus Trav­el which is locat­ed on this web­site. We have also attached a flow chart that pro­vides our fam­i­lies with the process should you need to con­tact the bus company.

Casuarina Street Primary Partners with Kentish for After School Care

Casuarina Street Primary School is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Kentish to provide after school care for our students! This exciting collaboration will offer a safe, fun, and enriching environment for children to stay on campus after school hours.

The program, designed by both Casuarina Street Primary and Kentish, will cater to the needs of working parents and families seeking quality after school care. With a focus on play-based learning, academic support and extracurricular activities the program promises to provide a well-rounded experience for the children.

More information about the program, including registration details and fees, 

please don’t hesitate to contact Kentish for any inquiries.

Phone: 0491795821 

Email address :